11 February 2015


Soooo it's been a bit longer than I was meaning for my next blog post (shhhhhh) but hopefully this one has been worth the wait!

I've mentioned in a few posts before that I'm part of the Brighton Etsy Team, with one of my big goals this year being to get my shop fully up and running and to blog about all the super fun things we do in the team. We've been discussing blogging as a big collective goal for this year over on the team forum. It's been so motivating to chat to other team members about getting stuck into blogging, ideas for posts, tips for beautifying our blogs and generally encouraging each other to keep going with it!

One of the ideas we've been chatting about is doing a blog hop to get to know each other's shops and inspirations a little better and for all our lovely readers to get to know us a little better too! I volunteered to kick things off so here goes...

\\ What inspired you to start your business or Etsy shop? \\

The idea for my products has actually gone through quite a few changes since I first thought about opening an Etsy shop. I'd wanted to start a craft business for a few years having always been into design and having a super crafty mum, and originally started off a couple of years ago making vintage-y style cards. But I could never quite get my head around exactly what I wanted to do and there seemed to be so many other great makers doing it much better than me! Since then my sewing and embroidery skills have developed and I've become ever more obsessed with type, fonts, lettering and colour! I started off making a couple of K and Ampersand hoops for myself, then as presents for friends and family and taking part in Mentor Month last year really helped to focus my ideas. 2015 is the year I really want to get Actually, I Do off the ground!

\\ We're looking at goals in the Brighton Etsy Team this month (you can follow along with #btnetsygoals!) Can you share one of your goals for your shop for the next six months? \\

In six month's time I really want to have at least 20-30 listings in my Etsy shop, so my main goal at the moment is to keep on making! A big part of that is also looking at how I photograph my hoops and style them for the shop listings and pics on Instagram. I'm hoping to do a short photography course in the next six months to help with that. Hmm that might be two, is that cheating?!

\\ What are you working on at the moment? \\

Getting a core line of hoops in my shop. I have so many ideas in my head that I want to get out, but I'm trying to focus first of all on a smaller core range of my hoops which I can then build on later. I'm also trying to get super organised with the blog, social channels and posting schedules, it's all go!

\\ If you could give other sellers or someone looking to start their own design/craft business one piece of advice what would you say? \\

Network! The information and tips you can pick up from fellow crafters or others doing the same thing as you are invaluable and become a really essential support system I think. Not only that but it's such a good way to make new friends as you already have lots in common, and fellow designers/crafters are also your potential customers! Joining the Brighton Etsy Team has been an amazing experience and I've learned SO much from all the members which I can now put into practise. We have a forum packed with the best advice and the team is so good at helping each other out, whether it's a technical question about a blog, thoughts on a new product launch or design or just general encouragement!

Hope you enjoyed! So in true blog hop tradition I'm now nominating Claire from YellowBearWares, Kate from Oh Someday and Emma from Harper & Finch to take up the challenge! 

If you fancy checking out more Brighton Etsy Team makers and their blogs, here's our blogroll.


  1. Great post, it's so interesting reading about other peoples goals and why they opened their shops! Thanks for the nomination! x

    1. Thanks so much Kate! Look forward to reading yours x

  2. Yay Kate! Great work kicking this off! I agree with Kate that it's lovely to hear everyone's inspirations and stories! I also really think the #btnetsygoals is such a great idea - there's something powerful about stating intentions on paper I think that make them easier to act upon and achieve. Love your work lady and thanks so much for the nomination! x

    1. Yay thank you! I can't wait to read about everyone else's. I agree, #btnetsygoals is fab, I'll be tweeting more of mine this weekend and it's so nice to get all the feedback and encouragement. Also we should have that tea meet up soon and chat embroidery! x

  3. Hi Kate, thank you for starting our blog hop up with such a good insight into what you are up to- can't wait to do mine, thank you for nominating me!

    I think your Etsy shop will be beautiful, you already have photographic skills, your blog posts always look lovely so I'm sure it will translate well!

    I've got a tip for you (you may know already!) when opening your shop don't just upload all your listings on one day, do them one a day or a few per day- that way you get more exposure, each time you post it will be seen by different people whereas if you post them all at once only those people that day will see it, does that make sense?

    1. Ah Claire that's such a great tip thank you! I think I'll only be able to manage a couple each day as it happens (there don't seem to be enough hours in the day at the moment!) so that's perfect :)
      Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my shop and blog as well. I can't wait to read your post and hear more about what inspires you x

  4. Woo yeah party! Thank you for starting the blog hop! Shop is looking awesome already, can't wait to see more from you! :D


    1. Thank youuuuuuuu Karli, you always make me smile and have been ace with all your encouragement and AWESOME mentoring :D :D :D x

  5. Woo yeah party! Thank you for starting the blog hop! Shop is looking awesome already, can't wait to see more from you! :D


  6. I always enjoy reading about the ideas and inspiration behind each shop. Good luck :)

    1. Me too! It's so interesting to learn where everyone's ideas some from. Thanks!

  7. Yay, great post! Looking forward to seeing what new stuff you come up with. :)

    1. Thanks Victoria! Hoping to post lots more of my developing ideas on here! :)

  8. Well done for kick starting this Kate - it is so interesting to read about how you got started, your plans and inspirations. I must network in person more. Brighton Etsy Team especially is so supportive, it would be great to meet everyone in person. Good luck with your plans lovely!
    Georgie x

    1. Thanks Georgie! So glad to get lots of readers and lovely comments, I really enjoyed doing it! The team meet ups are great for networking, and the free BtnEtsy talks too (there's one next week on 25th). I'm really enjoying getting stuck into the shop, making and getting more involved overall!
      Kate x

  9. Great post Kate. I wish you lots of luck with your goals. You can do it !

    1. Ah thank you Elizabeth, I'm trying to get there! x

  10. I was glad I discovered your blog today through Instagram! Your craft is lovely and original. I am starting out too and trying to find my feet ;) Not easy when you work full-time but hey, when you love you don't count! Plus thanks to your lovely blog I discovered the Brighton Etsy Team, cheers! And best of luck!

    1. Thanks so much Amandine! Yes definitely not easy to juggle starting a business when working full time, I really struggle. But finding little ways to get things done that work. Glad to see you getting involved with the team! Good luck too! :)
